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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

20 Week Ultrasound

I suppose I should have posted these pictures awhile ago (like um...10 weeks ago!) but its better late than never, right???
She was waving at us! =)

Her cute little body
Can't wait to kiss those toes!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Finally! A House Party!!!!

A few of my deal seeking friends introduced me to www.houseparty.com about a year ago. It is SO neat! It is a fun way for companies to get their new products out and create some buzz around them! I few of the parties I've attended have been Gerber baby food, Hershey Bliss Chocolate, and Fisher Price toys.

To clarify...these are not your typical "home" parties where you go and order something so the hostess can get credit. These are completely free products that are sent to the hostess to try and sample with their friends!!!

I have been applying for almost every party they have offered, and I was FINALLY selected for one! A Juicy Juice party! My two friends Karen and Dawn were also selected for this party, so we decided to have it together!
So we worked together to make a pretty simple (yet very tasty) lunch for our friends and their kids. Complete with the new Juicy Juice products to sample...

(Yes Sami is singing in this picture! Go figure!)
We all received some pretty big boxes that gave us almost everything we needed to host our party! Table cloths, cups, napkins, information boards, and of course...JUICE! =)
Each guest also took home the following in a great reusable grocery tote:
~Growth Chart
~Coloring Book
~Playing Cards
~Water bottle
It was a fun afternoon, and I hope we all keep getting selected for parties! =)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More Easter Fun

I had to be at church at 7:30 am on Easter morning. We enjoy the Easter bunny fun at our house, so I was trying to figure out how the bunny could come, and yet I didn't want to miss seeing Sam's reaction to her basket...
Then I remembered that my parents used to hide our Easter baskets! So I hid it in the dryer because I needed somewhere she wouldn't find it by accident. Then I wrote up a letter and scavenger hunt from the bunny. This way she didn't think she was forgotten, but was able to wait until I came home in between services.

She loved her Easter dress this year! My mom bought it a long time ago...I think maybe on a sale after Easter last year! At any rate...Sam was in LOVE with it! In her mind the bigger the dress the better! She had a lot of fun spinning in it, and felt like a princess! =)
With all of the bunny and basket fun we were most happy to celebrate what Easter is really all about by attending church together...really...the best part of the day! =)

Monday, April 13, 2009


Last Saturday we took Sami to see Annie!!! Matt and I have been looking forward to this experience for her for a couple of months now. It was SOOO hard to keep it a secret, but well worth it! =)

We had to rush around a bit after her soccer game because it was at a theatre in South Bend, and I forgot about the time difference! With my lead foot and the lovely toll road we made it in plenty of time!!!

She loved everything about going. Especially parking in a parking garage! :) She keeps reminding me we were parked on level Red 2!!!

I had never been to a Broadway production before (nor had Sami)...it was SUCH a treat! We had nose bleed seats, but it really didn't matter. We were able to soak it all in, and I really don't think the $5o per ticket for closer seats would have been worth it. It was at the Morris Theatre which is a beautiful old theatre right down town by the river!

I enjoyed watching the musical...however...I most enjoyed watching Sami's reactions to everything. She was amazed at the set changes...lighting...everything! She was singing right along with the songs, and telling me what was going to happen next. :) She was very curious to see if they were going to have a real dog play Sandy. They of course did, and I actually think that was her favorite part!!!!

Souvenirs are always expensive, but we thought it was worth it to get her the program. It came in a neat little backpack, and she will be able to look through it and remember this experience for years to come. We also purchased the soundtrack. We are hoping she will start to learn the correct words to the songs because as of now she makes up her own! :) But...she is always right on pitch...so...I guess we can't complain too much!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Fun

Last weekend my parents came to celebrate Easter with us. I have only spent one Easter without them...and I was in the Dominican Republic, so it still seems a little strange they will not be around! I am just glad we were able to celebrate together early.

We set up an egg hunt for Sami, and colored eggs. She has been asking to do it for weeks...so she was thrilled!

She also received her Easter basket from Nana and Papa! =)

We had a yummy meal, and spent the afternoon playing Wii. Sami also enjoyed showing her hamsters off to Papa! We took Lucy out to "snuggle"...

I've posted a lot in the last week! I am hoping I'll be able to keep everyone updated more often than I have been! We should be purchasing a new camera in the coming weeks, so that should encourage me to share! =)

You can look forward to more Easter fun, and a SURPRISE outing to see the Broadway production of Annie!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Trip to Indy

Last Friday my mom and I drove down to Indianapolis to visit my niece Kayetlyn and take her shopping. We left at 7:30 that morning...and for those of you who know anything about Samantha and my sleep schedule...that is EARLY!!!! It had been a really long time since Sam and I had visited with her though, so we were looking forward to it.

We met Kayetlyn and her other grandma at a mall, and it was off to shopping! Little did I know that stores 12 year olds shop in are not exactly set up for strollers! =) Trying to get into Hollister with their two steps up...two steps down was interesting!!!

As I'm sure you can guess shopping isn't the most thrilling activity for a 4 year old! She did however get a trip to Build-A-Bear which is always a fun treat for her. Kayetlyn helped her dress her bear...and she even named it Hollister! =)

I was ready to crash by the end of the day, but it was well worth it!!! =)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Official Soccer Mom

Sami had her very first soccer game this afternoon!!!

She has been looking forward to soccer since January when we first got the paperwork!!! Her first practice was a little rough because it was only 30 degrees outside!!! The next one was a lot warmer though, so she was really able to enjoy herself.

There are 9 children on her co-ed team. They play 3 on 3, on two fields...this way they get a lot of playing time! Matt is one of the coaches of her team. He is really enjoying it! It is fun for me to watch him interact and see how much patience he has with the children (and parents!) ha!

She was all geared up to play today with her little pink and black Adidas cleats! =) She did really well for her first game I do believe...that is...until she was pushed down and had her hand stepped on. OUCH!!! She sat out for a bit, but decided she was missing out on too much fun...so back in she went!

Some of the children are a lot more aggressive than others. If you have ever watched children this age play soccer...they call it "grape ball" because they all bunch up on the ball and just start kicking. Sam stayed out of that bunch though. Not because she knew she was supposed to...just out of fear of being kicked!!!! =) She did get a couple of good steals in today though...that is...when she wasn't smiling at Nana and Papa or blowing them kisses from the field!

They do not keep score at this age, and it was fun to cheer for all of the kids! One of the boys on her team kept sitting down in the middle of the goal so the kids couldn't kick it in!!! It is a lot of fun to watch, and Sami seems to think its pretty fun to play! Although...I am pretty sure her favorite part was the end of the game when she got a ticket to buy something at the concession stand!!!!

So there you have it.... it's official...I am a soccer mom!