My mom, sister, Sami, and I went to see The Nutcracker ballet a few weeks ago. Unfortunately this is the only photo I got of the evening, but that was because we were enjoying ourselves so much I totally forgot to capture it!
Sami loves all performing arts, but this was her first ballet experience and she was really looking forward to it! She sat on our laps so she wouldn't miss a beat! I know I've mentioned this before, but I just LOVE watching her watch these performances. She is always in awe, and her facial expressions are what I enjoy most!
She said her favorite part was the dancing flowers. I think this is mostly because of her souvenir. Some of the dancers painted their "retired" ballet slippers and you could purchase them. Sami chose a pink one with a purple flower that one of the soldiers later told her was a dancing flower shoe.
She has decided that for now soccer isn't for her and she would like to try ballet. There is a satellite school of the Indiana Ballet Theatre right here in DeMotte, so we are looking forward to enrolling her in classes there.
Every year we buy ornaments that represent something we have done that year or a milestone. Hallmark had a beautiful ornament that is three ballerinas dancing the "Waltz of the Snowflakes" so I purchased that for her this year. I do not know if ballet will be what she "sticks with" but I do know that this evening will always be a cherished memory for me! ;)