Last Thursday while at school Matthew got the phone call he has been waiting for...he's back to work!!!!
We were all super excited about it...Sami even jumped up and down clapping!
I must admit...I wasn't clapping today. I am so thankful I had previously planned a fun day of tutu making with my friends Holly and Kalah otherwise I think I would have been a mess. For all of the complaining I've done I got REALLY used to having him here. I was really sad that he wasn't here all day! As you already know...I am a it didn't really surprise me when I burst into tears twice before it was even time to get Sami from school! :/
Today was probably the longest day I've had in a really long time. Skylar recently started saying "Da-da-da-da" and I of course noticed it even more!!!! It didn't help that they are working 10 hour that hour to get home. Don't get me wrong...I am SO thankful for this opportunity for him (and our family) but I did not really realize how great it was having him home. I was teased that "the first paycheck will help ease the pain" which of course brought smiles all around! to work in his new boots he goes...
But you is really nice to have the opportunity to miss someone!
We love you Matt, Daddy, Dadadadadada ;) Thanks for working so hard for us!!!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
7 Months and Counting....
I can hardly believe it when I say that Skylar is now 7 months old! The time is just flying and she is growing and doing more and more every day!
A recent doctor's visit revealed that Skylar now weighs 17 lbs 1 oz. Since it wasn't a well baby check up they did not measure her height, but I do not think she has grown much length wise.
Skylar now uses a sippy cup with meals and she drinks water out of it. I tried to give her water out of her bottle recently when she wasn't feeling very good, and she was ANGRY! I transferred it to her cup, and she gulped it down. I guess she knows what she wants! She can hold it for the most part, but she still requires a little bit of help. It takes a lot of coordination you know! ;)
She also started eating some finger foods this month. She loves the Gerber Puffs, but she hasn't mastered her pincer grasp yet so she prefers for you to feed them to her! I also gave her a biter biscuit. I forgot how messy those are!
She creeps anywhere and everywhere! Still no crawling with the belly off of the floor, but I really think that the army crawl is her way to get around.
Nana (my mom) recently showed her what her legs are all about, and she LOVES to stand now! In fact last night she pulled herself to standing from the floor holding on to Matt's knees! Sadly I did not have the camera ready, but we both saw it! =)
She is "talking" up a storm with her babbling! Today's sounds really sound like Da-Da who sadly wasn't here to hear it, but I was able to record it on my phone and send it to him.
In the time it took me to write this she has figured out how to open the door on her Laugh n Learn house, crawled into the kitchen(and been moved back) 4 times, laughed at Sami's dancing, found the one piece of lint on the floor to try and eat, and more! Phew...busy girl...but I can't wait to see what the next month brings!
Pretty Ballerina
You may remember Sami's first trip to the ballet this past December to see The Nutcracker. She fell in love with the ballet that night, and has been asking me to sign her up for ballet class ever since! The Nutcracker was produced by the dance company Indiana Ballet Theatre. They happen to have a satellite school right here in our town! I know a couple of families whose children dance at the school, and they really enjoy it. Being involved with this group she will have the opportunity to audition for and be involved in bigger productions if she so chooses.
I got the call Monday afternoon that she could begin class on Tuesday afternoon! So off we ran to the mall to get her a leotard, tights, and shoes.
She knew she was starting after school, so she wanted to put on her new things as soon as we walked in the door!!! We snapped a few pictures before leaving. My battery was dying (when isn't it???) so these aren't the best shots, but I think they get the job done!

Her class is small with only 4 other children. We started a little late,but the teacher thinks she will catch up quickly. I know two of the other children in the class, and Sami was anxious to make new friends.
I got the call Monday afternoon that she could begin class on Tuesday afternoon! So off we ran to the mall to get her a leotard, tights, and shoes.
Her class is small with only 4 other children. We started a little late,but the teacher thinks she will catch up quickly. I know two of the other children in the class, and Sami was anxious to make new friends.
Normally the parents do not stay during class time, however, I stayed this week so I could fill out her paper work (and pay...yikes!) and learn a little more about the program. Since I did not dance as a child I feel completely lost in this ballet world, but I guess we will learn together. I heard lots of giggles during the class, and it sounded like they were having a blast! She came home to her "stage" aka the dining room and showed us all she learned.
I love seeing her excited about something, and having so much passion for it! Her recital will be in June, and soon they will begin learning their routine for it. I can't wait!
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