I can not believe that Skylar is already 8 months old!!!! Since February only has 28 days I guess technically I could hold off on saying she's 8 months old, but...we won't deprive her! ;)
Skylar is a very scheduled baby, and doesn't like to really stray from her routine. Days that we are home this is no problem, but busy days that take us away from her routine do not make her a very happy camper.
A typical day for Skylar:
8 AM- Wake up ~ Eat 6-8 oz. bottle
10 AM- Eat cereal mixed with fruit
11 Am- Take a short nap (about an hour)
1 PM- Eat a 6- 8 oz. bottle
2 PM- Take a longer nap (1 1/2-2 hours)
4:30 PM- Eat 2 jars of stage 2 baby food (typically a "dinner" and a vegetable)
7:30 PM- 6-8 oz. bottle and then its off to bed
She no longer likes to be rocked to sleep. She will tolerate you snuggling with her and rocking for a few minutes, but then she gives you "the look"...this look says "Mommy I'm tired...please just put me in my bed!" She will not cry as long as you lay her on her belly facing south and give her a blanket. I was a little sad at first that she has outgrown rocking, but I know in the long run it is so much better for her to soothe herself to sleep.
She still sucks her thumb, but only when really tired. We haven't noticed her doing it for comfort lately, but then again she is so happy and content she rarely needs comforted.
She crawls with her belly off of the floor now, although she still gets around faster army crawling! She pulls herself up to standing if she is holding on to you (either your hands or will grab your legs or shirt) and thinks this is pretty neat. You can just tell in her face that she is so proud of herself and enjoys this new found view!
She thinks it is really funny when someone sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose!
She has mastered the pincer grasp, so she now feeds herself puffs and cheerios. We've also started giving her a few soft table foods. So far she has enjoyed pancakes and bread.
She is babbling more and more! For awhile everyone was Dadadada, but now she is calling Sami "SiSSSSSSSSSS". At first when she was making this sound I just thought it was coincidence-or that we were just saying "oh that's what it sounds like". But she only says it to Sami, and it is becoming more clear!!! And of course Sami LOVES it!!!! =)
I am really ready for her to be out of the infant carrier, but March can be pretty unpredictable and in yucky weather it is so much easier to carry her in the seat even though it is really heavy. So for now we are just leaving the seat in the car when we go places, but I think by next month she will be ready to move up to the bigger car seat.
I almost forgot to add that her hair is starting to curl!!! This is about the length that we noticed Sami's curl, however, she was 2!!!! I don't think it will be as curly as Sami's, but time will tell I guess!
(I need to post a good 8 month picture on here, but I can't find the camera they are on...so I guess check back later for pictures! Ha!)