In the past years we’ve been out really late on Christmas Eve at family parties. Last year Sami was so exhausted when we got home (it was well after 11 pm) that she forgot to put out cookies and milk for Santa. While that may not seem like a big deal it really broke my heart. I know there aren’t too many years left for her and the magic of Santa. Matt and I both decided that from now on things would be different. They will only be little once. We didn’t want to eliminate the extended family gatherings either though because those too are important. This Christmas we were home and in bed by 9:30 pm. Now that is more like it!
I woke up about 8:30 and the girls woke up a little after. When we came downstairs Skylar didn’t know what to think of all the packages under the tree. Sami of course was super excited!
A few days before school let out Sami brought home her “December Journal” from school. There were various pages that had a sentence the kids were to finish. My favorite answers…
For Christmas I want….”my family to have the best Christmas togeter” (together)
Christmas is….”the burth of baby Jezus” (birth of baby Jesus) with a very nice little picture.
At the beginning of the school year we talked and prayed about pulling her out of public school and putting her in the Christian school. There were various reasons, but we felt we should keep her in public school. When she brings home papers like this it makes my heart smile and reassures me of our decision.
With that being said Sami is still a typical six year old and enjoys the fun that Christmas brings. This year she asked for two things from Santa : a Bitty Baby for Skylar and a Just Like Me doll for her.
Santa delivered…

Her doll has blonde hair and brown eyes just like her! She has straight hair, but Santa knew that would be a slight bummer for Sami…so he also brought her the American Girl hair care set complete with curlers! Sami named her doll “Samantha” because she is “just like me”. She also got a cabinet to keep all of the doll clothes in, and a few outfits for her dolls.
Skylar has been playing with Sami’s Bitty Baby for a few months now. She actually became pretty possessive of her, so I think that is why Sami suggested Santa bring Sky one of her own! Santa agreed…

I thought her poor little head was going to explode when she saw what was in the box! Poor Matt was trying to get it open and she was squealing in delight! Sami helped her name her…her name is “Sophia” but they call her “Sophie” for short. Skylar just calls her baby. 
I decided the girls’ dolls needed Mickey Mouse ears to wear in preparation for our trip to Disney, so I asked my friend who I met on Facebook if she could make some. They turned out great! Thanks Little Blessings!

Matt and I had decided we weren’t going to exchange gifts this year. He has really been wanting a new pair of slippers, so I thought I would surprise him with a nice new pair under the tree. Much to my surprise he had gotten me a few things too! A docking station/speakers for my Ipod touch (which has prompted a few impromptu dance parties) and a lovely new purse and cosmetic bag. I drooled over this Dooney Bourke purse when we were at Disney World, but felt bad buying it for myself. I really like designer purses, and obviously really like Disney…so for these two loves to unite…ahhhh…..

Thanks Matt!!!!!
My mom and dad were kind enough to offer to come to our house for Christmas. Which meant no rushing around to be anywhere else! It was SO nice! In fact Sami stayed in her pj’s ALL day!!! My mom even made dinner ahead of time and brought it with! All we had to do was warm it in the oven! Thanks mom!
Nana and Papa also brought gifts…
Sami has been wanting the American Girl doll “Kit” for a long time now…but I think the expression on her face tells you that!

Skylar loved her gifts as well…

I haven’t done an update on Skylar recently, but for those who do not know she is still suffering with a severe milk allergy. She has accidently had things with milk in it a few times recently and it was not pretty.
Nana (my mom) is so sweet…she made Skylar her very own sugar cookies she had made with vegan soy butter she had left over from making my sister some peanut brittle. I don’t think Skylar has ever had a yummy cookie. She REALLY enjoyed them…
Feeding her cookie to her new Pluto “dog-dog”
We had a nice afternoon playing Wii games and just enjoying each other! I hope you had a fabulous Christmas as well!