The show started at 7:30 PM. Kinda late for a school night, but that is one of the joys of afternoon Kindergarten! We went to dinner at church and stayed for about 20 minutes of Love Notes so I could teach a new song of choreography.
We arrived with plenty of time and found our seats. We were upstairs in the mezzanine. We were all looking forward to a fun night together.
Sami and I like our silly face shots…
The show started, and it was really neat! Acrobatics, juggling, lots of fun!
Sami was really enjoying herself going back and forth between our laps. Matt even brought his binoculars for her!
These two girls were really neat! They were folding themselves into those cylinders! Crazy!!!
Sami was really excited about the spinning plates. It is really neat to watch…unfortunately we didn’t get to see very much. Shortly after they started the curtain on the stage caught fire! At first it was just smoking a lot and it looked like a prop. However, someone came on stage and started yelling “Fire! Fire!” and soon we saw the flames. The house lights came on and the alarm was sounded.
I am so thankful that Matt is a calm natured person. He scooped Sami up-handed me our stuff and said “let’s go”….most of the people around us were relatively calm. When we got to the hallway to go down the stairs some people had let their panic take over. There were two people in wheelchairs that were having difficulty getting down the stairs. People started pushing and shoving. I don’t do well in crowds anyways, but a panicked crowd on stairs? YIKES!
Thankfully no one was hurt, and they were able to contain the fire quickly. Sami was pretty upset. She went from being scared…to upset we didn’t get to finish the show…to worry about what would become of the theatre (this is where Nutcracker is performed). When we got home I had a chat with her about how important it is to stay calm, and that is why they have fire drills at school. I JUST had her calm when a fire call came in. Matt recently joined the volunteer fire department in our town. When Sami heard the tones drop she got upset. She was convinced fires were randomly breaking out everywhere.
The next day she was worried about going to school, but I assured her she would be safe. She hasn’t mentioned it in a few days.
I will probably never forget that night, and I hope we never have to experience anything like that again.