The weather over the long weekend wasn’t the greatest, but thankfully the sun was shining for a trip to the beach on Memorial Day!
Since the rest of the weekend was so yucky it appeared EVERYONE thought it would be a good idea to go to the beach. There was NO where to park…poor Matt dropped the girls and I off, and he parked FOUR miles away! YIKES!
The girls enjoyed themselves though! Skylar still isn’t too sure about the sand. She doesn’t like that it moves beneath her….but we did get her to play and dig a bit. She especially loved her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse pail and shovel!

Sami loves the beach! I am pretty sure she loves everything about it…sand, water, the sound of the waves…she loves it all!

Skylar kept yelling “wawweee” which is water. I kept carrying her down to the water, but she would not go anywhere near it. Funny girl! Sami filled a bucket with water and brought it back up to the blanket for Sky to play with.

I think Skylar was smart to avoid the water. It felt like it was full of ice cubes!!! A friend at dance later told me the water was 55 degrees! YIKES! No wonder it felt so cold. As you can see that didn’t stop Sami…

One of Sami’s favorite things at the beach is getting buried in the sand. Sometimes she reminds me so much of me when I was little. 

We ended the afternoon with sand angels…so fun!

We are looking forward to many more fun days at the beach this summer!