The Menu:
Wolverine claws (chicken tenders)
Worms (ramen noodles)
Blood (red Kool-aid)
Madame Leota crystal ball dip (fruit dip) with body parts: eyeballs (grapes), bones (graham crackers), and knuckles (apples)
Haunted Mansion cemetery cups (dirt pudding with gravestones)
The cupcake signs were printed from here.
To get into the spirit of things the kids dressed up in their best "dead" makeup and hair....we also turned off all the lights and lit candles....
For activities we played a memory game I made with Haunted Mansion images (Ghost Host, Master Gracey, Madame Leota, The Bride, Singing Busts, Hitchhiking ghosts, and Haunted Mansion sign).
They also walked a "tight rope" like the portrait of the tight rope walker....

When it was time for the movie all my loves snuggled up on the floor to enjoy the movie....
It was a fun night...Haunted Mansion is rated PG so take note if you choose to watch this with little ones...Spencer (age 2) got sleepy before any of the "scary" parts began, but I think it would have scared him had he made it to the end.
When we began these movie nights it was with the intention to have some family most families we have very busy schedules, so it is nice to "schedule" some family time together at home. We choose mostly Disney movies and like to base them off attractions at Disney parks to familiarize ourselves with the stories.
Haunted Mansion fun fact: There is a version of the Haunted Mansion in every Disney park!
We look forward to visiting the Disneyland version in April!