It’s official…Sami is a big girl! She marched off to Kindergarten today, and never looked back! Our elementary school still has half day kindergarten, and Sami is in the afternoon class. Today was just the parent meeting and bus safety lesson for the kids.
When we were purchasing her school supplies I asked her what kind of backpack she wanted for this year. She said “Mom I just want to use my Tinkerbell bag that has my Barbie’s in it…” I tried to convince her to get a new bag, and she didn’t want one. She definitely doesn’t get that from me! Ha!
While the parents organized the kids’ pencil boxes the kids went off for a lesson on bus safety. I will take her to school everyday, and she will ride the bus home. It was her idea to ride the bus. I think it is a right of passage thing for her… So while I am not exactly “ready” for her to be on the bus she is, so I better get used to it!
While I finished the paperwork Sami played in the centers with a friend she knew from soccer.
As is our tradition when we got to the stoplight before school we turned off the radio, and prayed. I have a good feeling this is going to be an amazing year for her!
How cute that she just wanted to use a backpack that she already has! Half the fun of going back to school is school supply shopping, right? Good for her, though!
I hope it's a GREAT year for her! Who's her teacher?
She has Mrs. Koontz =)
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