We finally got up and on a bus early enough to see an opening show and rope drop at Magic Kingdom! I was SO excited because I had never experienced it before!

Skylar watching the magic unfold…

We ventured over to Adventureland…Sami and I walked through the Swiss Family Robinson tree house. She thought it was neat, but had no clue what it was about. It is on the list for Disney Family Movie Night for sure!
Next we all got on Aladdin’s Magic carpets…

Look who was just a few carpets ahead of us….

So we hopped off and got in line to get their autographs…

Next we rode The Pirates of the Caribbean which Sami really liked! Walt Disney was brilliant when he designed the rides to empty right into a store…but this was the first ride Sami wanted to actually look and make a purchase. She picked out a spy glass and an eye patch with a pirate earring.
We wandered over to Frontierland where we met…

We got a fastpasses for Splash Mountain…then went to The Haunted Mansion. I was surprised Sami said she wanted to go in it, but she was fine. Skylar doesn’t understand scary things yet, so she was fine too.
Then it was off to lunch at Tony’s Town Square which has a Lady and the Tramp theme…

Sami slurped her spaghetti in true Lady and the Tramp fashion…they also celebrated her birthday…

We hopped in line to see Tiana and Prince Navene…they spent a long time talking about recipes! (That is the key to getting more interaction with the characters than just an autograph and a photo op…ask them questions that have to do with their character…)

We took a raft over to Tom Sawyer Island…and Sami led the way as we explored…

We were all pretty hot by this point, so we stopped for popsicles. We asked Sami what she wanted to ride next…and she said Soarin’. "We explained that was at Epcot…to which she replied “so let’s go there!” So…we did! We hopped on the monorail and on to Epcot…

We went straight to Soarin’ where Matt and Sami walked right on! Then we went to Club Cool to try all of the different flavors of pop from around the world…

See the hidden Mickey on my nail??? ^ ^ ^
We had a special surprise on its way to our hotel…so there was only time for one more ride. Sami wanted to do Spaceship earth again. Skylar was happy in the stroller so she and I just hung out while they rode.

Then the text came through the surprise was here…what is the surprise?? Nana!!! (My mom!) She sent me a message that she was on the Magical Express and heading to the hotel. So…we grabbed a bus and went to meet her. Sami had NO clue she was coming! Then I got a surprise…my mom texted me her room number…it was RIGHT next to ours! Our wonderful travel agent did SUCH a great job! On the way up to our room I told Sami we needed to stop at our neighbor’s room so we could get some extra towels for the pool. She bought it…and much to my surprise…knocked! And this was her reaction when Nana opened the door…

It was really a magical moment!

Our rooms were actually adjoining! So the girls stayed with Nana for the evening while Matt and I went to Downtown Disney for a date! He bought me some pins for my collection. Got himself a beer or two at the Irish pub…and a t-shirt from The House of Blues. We just enjoyed a quiet evening together…
Oh…and we played in the water fountains! Ha!