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Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Fun for Sami

Sami loves to be a busy girl. I am always cautious about signing her up for TOO much, but everyday she says “What’s on the schedule for today???” She loves to stay busy!
She wanted to continue to dance over the summer (of course). She also had two weeks of swimming lessons. She was in level 3 and has moved on to level 4. She is such a little fish.
She missed one day of swimming lessons because she went to Camp LRCA. They had a fun sports like theme this year. She loved it! She was excited to see her friend Ella this summer!
She also participated in the Prairie Arts Council Art Camp for two days. The first day they made a tie dye shirt.
(I need to get a picture of her final product…ha!)
This is what Skylar does while waiting for her sister when she’s having fun…playing random games on the Ipod.
The next art camp was a clay mug. Sami LOVED this one! Again…I need to take a final product picture! Ha!
I am a firm believer that summer is about fun…playing with friends, exploring, swimming, digging, etc. Our summers may be scheduled with activities…but I don’t think Sami would have it any other way! Winking smile  I hope you all are enjoying your summer as well. Smile


MamaDuck76 said...

You must feel like a taxi driver this summer! I'm glad Sami's having so much fun, and it's nice to see that Skylar's got something to keep her busy.

Max is just discovering the iPod, too, and he thinks it's lots of fun!

Kat said...

I do feel a bit like a taxi...but I know she enjoys it. Thankfully a lot of things were local!

Skylar gets frustrated with the Ipod because she touches too many things, and looses what she was working on. If I try to help her she gets even more frustrated though....ahh...two years olds! ;)