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Monday, August 22, 2011

Life with Skylar


If I had to describe Skylar in one word it would be “joyful”…she is always smiling. Well…unless you are in her “bubble” then she will express her displeasure with you. Winking smile


Some of her favorite things to do:

* Play with babies. She LOVES her American Girl Bitty Baby twins. She loves the girl the most these days. Her name is “Charlie” from Disney Channel’s “Good Luck Charlie.” She will very proudly tell you her baby’s name is “Carly” which is Skylar speak for Charlie. She would spend all day pushing Charlie in her stroller or pulling her in her wagon. She is starting to enjoy dress up, and almost always needs a purse to take care of her baby.

* Reading books has also become a favorite. She asks Sami to read to her, but she is a tad slow for her interest level. It is still sweet to watch. Instead of saying “book” she says “please” as in “please read this to me…” Very sweet!

* “I helping Momma” has become a favorite sentence of hers! She loves to help with the laundry. It of course makes it take a lot longer, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

* Another favorite is anything her sister is doing. Much to Sami’s dismay. She just loves her, and wants to do anything Sami is doing…even if it is too hard for her.


Sami is usually very sweet with her, and tries to include her in most things. She will get her snacks, and help her climb up on the couch. She really looks out for her, and protects her.



Currently Skylar’s favorite thing to talk about, play with, or see is….cows! I am not sure where this (borderline) obsession came from, but it seems to be here to stay! She has a stuffed cow that Sami gave her that she takes almost everywhere, and sleeps with every night. There is a farm we pass as we go north…as soon as we cross over the river she starts asking…”my cows???” As we pass them she waves furiously yelling “Hi cows!!!!!” I want to take her back to Fair Oaks Dairy Adventure soon while she still loves cows!

As you can see from the photos she has let her hair grow back in!!!! She had her tubes put in in January, and has been ear infection free ever since! Her language development has also taken off as a result of being healthy, and finally not having fluid clouding her hearing. We went back to the ENT a few weeks ago. The tubes are still both perfectly in place, and he is hopeful they will last her through the winter. Hopefully by that time her own little tubes will have gotten longer, and she can stay her happy joyful little self.



She also had her two year old check up recently. She had lost a little weight since the last time she had been seen. After checking, and re-checking it was determined she weighs 22 lbs. I can not remember how tall she is. I will have to measure her again myself. She is on the “little side” but she is perfect for her.

The most fabulous thing to come out of the appointment- we got to check and see if she had grown out of her milk allergy! Rather than put her through blood work I gave her a little yogurt at home. I was interested to see how she would do. Before if she would eat something with milk in it she would cry and spit it out. She ate the yogurt right up. I was so nervous that she was going to get sick…but praise God…she didn’t!!!! A few days later I gave her some goldfish crackers. She LOVED them, and again…no break out…no tummy aches….she was fine!!! We are holding off giving her actual straight milk for now so we don’t shock her little tummy.


She is still a fabulous sleeper! She takes one nap a day (in the afternoon), and she sleeps 12-14 hours at night. She is still in a crib. I think she would be fine if I moved her to a toddler bed. However we moved Sami too soon, and it was a nightmare. I don’t want a repeat of that, so for now she will stay in the crib. Winking smile


As I’ve mentioned her speech has really taken off. It would be boring to list all of her “words”, but I will share a conversation we have MANY times throughout the day….

“What doooooooing Mommy??”

“Oh I am cooking Skylar….”

“WHY Mommy???”

“So we can have dinner!”

“WHY Mommy???”

“Because everyone is hungry”


Two minutes later….

“What dooooooooing Mommy?????”

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.



That is our precious Skylar…such a joy!


(These photos were taken by Little Lady Photography a family member who has started an amazing photography business! It you are in need of family photos, milestone photos, etc. I encourage you to check her out on Facebook! We were thrilled with these fun shots that totally captured Skylar’s personality! http://www.facebook.com/LittleLadyPhoto)


MamaDuck76 said...

Oh, she is so adorable! I love the pictures, especially the one where she is peeking through under the leaves.

How exciting that she's outgrowing her milk allergy! What happy news :)

She's about the same size as Max, by the way. He's 23 lbs on our scale at home. For some reason, I thought Skylar was a little bigger than that. I guess she just wants to stay little for you! :)

Kat said...

I was so happy with the pictures! I love the first one where she is on the bridge-that is HER look, and I love that she captured it!

I am okay with her staying little as long as she is healthy! :D