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Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Sami’s school had spirit week this week. One day was “red day” one day was “pajama day”, etc. Today was “Character Day” for Dr. Seuss’s birthday.

In the 1st Grade classes the kids were asked to dress like their favorite character from their favorite book. Sami chose to dress up as “Sam I Am” from “Green Eggs and Ham”


When she first told me that is what she wanted to dress up as I thought…well…how are we going to do that??? We bought white “fur” material which I sewed into a dress. Matt then spray painted it yellow for us. We used the same furry material to make boot covers.

I made the hat from red felt. The green eggs and ham were also made from felt.


Sami made her sign herself….


At school they had the option to go in front of the class and tell why they chose the character they did. She said she chose “Sam I Am” because “her name is Sam”…ha! It sounded like a really fun day!


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