The road to our beautiful Skylar was a long bumpy one, but it is a journey we are so blessed to have been on! From infertility struggles to a loss there were many times our dream of having another child seemed impossible. Thankfully nothing is impossible to God, and Skylar is our little miracle to prove that!
As most of you know the pregnancy was a long one. I started getting sick at about 5 weeks. At 12 weeks Dr. Waran finally let me take oral Zofran. By that point I was already 8 pounds lighter. I was so scared to loose another baby, but he kept assuring me that the baby was getting what he/she needed and everything was still looking great. I had many trips to the ER for IV fluids, and after the SIXTH trip he decided it was time to help me out. =) I was 16 weeks at this point, and had now lost 18 pounds and was severely dehydrated. He talked to my insurance, and I was placed with a high risk pregnancy home health care agency. They came out that evening, and started me on a Zofran pump. I wish I had taken pictures of this experience because even though it was was a reality! Oh well... The pump was actually pretty easy for me to figure out. I just had to change the sub-q site everyday and switch out the medicine pumps. It felt so great to finally be able to leave the house, and feel slightly normal! At 25 weeks I decided I'd had enough with sticking myself with needles, and decided to go off the pump. I still continued to be sick, but oral medication was able to keep me pretty healthy! =) fast forward to 38 weeks! By this time I was DONE being pregnant! I just wanted to meet this little girl who I already felt SO close with! I was having pre-labor contractions, and even went to the hospital once only to get sent home because it wasn't active enough. Bummer! But at 39 weeks Dr. Waran said I could be induced if I wanted to, and I said "sign me up!!!!"
So on Tuesday June 30, 2009 Matt and I got up before the sun and went to St. Anthony's in Crown Point to have our baby! I was induced with Sami, but this was WAY different! The major difference was I had pitocin this time, and I learned exactly why it is called "pit" because man was it the pits!!!! I was able to walk around comfortably for a long time, and my intense labor wasn't too difficult. But towards the end I remembered that there is no ribbon for birthing "naturally" and everyone gets the same prize at the end, so bring on the drugs!!!!
It didn't take the anesthesiologist very long to get to my room, and in he came with his tool box! Yes...a craftsman toolbox! Matt was thrilled...I just wanted him to start! I couldn't understand a word the man said, and started to have second thoughts that I was going to do move wrong and never be able to walk again!!!! :/ But...he got it in...I was able to relax and 5 minutes later (it hadn't even taken full effect) I was ready to push!
I am so glad that I decided to get the epidural because I was able to relax at this point and take a breather! My doctor was in surgery, and couldn't get up to me right away!!!! But Matt just stroked my head, and my mom rubbed my back. The nurses were getting a little concerned because I was having some decelerations in Skylar's heart beat on the monitor. The same thing happened with Sami, so I wasn't worried. Dr. Waran waltzed in (by the way I LOVE him and am so thankful for him) just in time to catch our beautiful baby at 3:13 PM.
It turns out her cord was wrapped around her head causing those decelerations on the monitor. She was a healthy 7 lbs. 11 oz. 18 1/2 inches. TONS of hair and just as precious as could be!
1 comment:
What a journey! I'm so glad that you made it through a crazy 9 months and finally have your sweet baby girl!
It IS scary getting an epidural! I couldn't understand the guy who did mine with Alex, and I was soooo nervous! Toolbox, huh? I think I'd have kicked him out of the room! ;)
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