Is there some sort of phenomenon going on where the earth is spinning WAY faster and no one told me??? Because I'm pretty sure Sami was born yesterday, so how is it that she is already 5????
Sami has been looking forward to turning 5 for awhile! Having a "full hand" to show how old you are is pretty neat after all! =)
For her birthday this year she had another trip to American Girl Place in Chicago. This time it was super special because she went only with her Nana (who is my mom for those who do not know). They rode the South Shore train, and took a taxi to every girls dream store! Turning 5 is pretty special, so her Nana had told her she was going to buy her a "big girl" American Girl doll. She looked through the catalog so many times I lost count, and planned on getting "Kit" a doll from the depression era. She had watched the Kit DVD from the library, and I thought it was going to be a perfect fit. When they arrived they looked at all of the dolls and all of their accessories and Sami decided she would prefer to have "Molly" a World War II era doll. Her reasoning???? "She has glasses!" =) I was actually really thrilled when my mom sent me a text message letting me know Sami had picked Molly for her glasses. When I was a little younger than Sami I asked Santa for a Cabbage Patch doll with glasses, and I cherished it!!!! So it melted my heart a bit to see that part of me in her....
They also ate lunch at the cafe there which was a first for her. It sounds so cute, and I hope to get to go one day! She took her American Girl Bitty Baby along, and they brought out a special chair and place setting just for the doll! I can't get Shutterfly to let me copy the pictures to share with you, but once I figure it out I will...because they had a GREAT day! =)
Sam's birthday party was at The Chocolate Shop here in DeMotte. It is an adorable ice cream parlor, and it really was a cute place for a party! It was held in a little "room" that is decorated very girlie with hats and feather boas for the children to dress up with! After everyone was all dolled up they enjoyed a little tea party. They had a real china tea set, and Sami kept telling everyone they should "try to be fancy and drink with their pinkie up" which made me giggle all day! It wasn't actually tea, but pop...and it seemed to be a big hit!!!
(Sami and her friend Emma "getting ready")
"Pinkies up everyone!"
After the "tea pop" party all of the children made their own ice cream sundaes. Everyone must have eaten a big lunch though because no one really ate any! :/ Oh was fun! No party is complete without Sami opened her gifts, and then shared in the fun by giving each guest a bag of gummy bears and a Chocolate Shop coupon to take home (you know how I love a coupon!) for next time.
(Everyone choosing ice cream for their sundaes)
It is amazing to me that I have a 5 year old, but what a joy that beautiful 5 year old is!
How fun to see yourself in some of the things that Sami does/chooses!
I've wondered what goes on in the little party rooms at the Chocolate Shop. Do you get to choose what you do, or do they pretty much just tell you "this is how we do a party in this room"?? (I know, terrible grammar!)
American Girl store is one of the neatest places on the planet. What a fun thing to do with Nana!
You know Dawn...I'm not really sure what else you can choose to do. Sami really wanted her party there, and I was pretty excited to not have a house full of people! =)
I could have brought cake, but only if I bought ice cream. I'm not sure if you saw the size of those sundaes...but cake was not necessary! ;) And I didn't actually know about the tea party part until we got there....
I talked to a few different people when I called, so I think there was a bit of miscommunication. But...the kids had fun, and that is what it's all about! =)
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