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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Disney Family Movie Night- Peter Pan

Our Peter Pan night kept getting postponed last week, and it was almost time for THIS week’s movie night! So when Sami got home from school Skylar and I had everything ready for our Peter Pan night.

A friend had recently had a pirate themed birthday party for her son. She was wanting to get rid of the decorations, so I gladly took them off of her hands!


For our art activity we made sails that would be used on our pirate ships at dinner…


Then we made pirate hats from newspaper…


While I started dinner the girls played “Follow the Leader”. Skylar used it more as chase Sami around in a circle time, but they had fun with it!

On the dinner menu:

Pirate ship chicken (chicken Kiev with our sails we made)

Swords (we had crescents although I meant to have breadsticks)

Pirate Teeth (corn)

Mermaid Lagoon Sauce (applesauce)

Tiger Lily Tea (orange kool-aid)


Up for next week…(well…tomorrow) “The Santa Clause”


MamaDuck76 said...

Could ya get any more creative?! I *love* the sails on your chicken kiev!

Kat said...

Ahh thanks Dawn!!! My original plan was to make our own little pizza pirate ships, but Matt worked late and I wanted something a little easier.