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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Dance Observation

This past week the parents were invited to watch the last 10 minutes of their children’s dance classes.
Skylar’s ballet class is SO cute! They are all little, but Skylar is the youngest. I was pleasantly surprised that she participates fairly well given her age. She did her ballet walks…
They also did an exercise when they were sliding and hopping….
I don’t remember what they were doing here, but it looked fun! Winking smile
Just so so cute!!!!
Then they did an activity together…
I also got to observe Sami’s classes. I forgot the camera on her Primary/ISTD Ballet 1 day, but it was really neat. We were able to watch how they stretch and work on the bare. The girls are really learning their terminology!
I remembered it for her Primary Ballet class day…
As well as Tap 2….
And Jazz 2….
They both love dancing so much, so it is fun to get to see what they work on in class!

1 comment:

MamaDuck76 said...

Skylar looks SO cute! :)

I would have a hard time with not being able to stay and watch with my 2 year old. You're a brave mama!