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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Journey of Joy

This year The Love Notes choir at church put on an interactive walkthrough of the Christmas story. It was very neat!! They did it two nights. On Saturday night Sami was in the angel choir.


As we approached I could hear her singing and picked out her not so little voice right away!



The second night she was the census taker. She had 2 lines which she memorized all on her own. We were really proud of her!



All of the kids did a GREAT job!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nutcracker 2011

Sami was a small soldier in the rat scene this year in Indiana Ballet Theatre’s (IBT)production of the Nutcracker. There were 3 shows at The Star Plaza Theatre. I helped out in the “green room” with mending costumes. I love being backstage almost as much as I love watching all of the kids perform!


Everyone from the smallest dancer to the oldest does SUCH  a great job! I am so glad IBT gives Sami this opportunity!


And she gets to dance with some GREAT kids!!!


There were also 2 shows at Morton High School. They needed Sami to fill in as a bon bon for one of the shows. She learned the part an hour before the show. Poor thing was SO nervous, but she did a great job!



She also did her soldier role. After 5 shows and many...many…many rehearsals I am happy it is over. It is such a fun thing to be part of, and is part of our Christmas family traditions now.



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

“It’s a Bug’s Christmas”

All of the 1st grade classes put on a Christmas production at school every year. This year it was called “A Bug’s Christmas”, and it was so cute! I was so lucky that a friend got there early,and helped save us a seat. It was SO crowded, but she saved me a front row seat!!!

Sami was a moth.



All of the songs were about bugs in trees and getting ready for Christmas. Sami was chosen by her music teacher to have a line. She said “Ladies and gentlemen…the 12 bugs of Christmas!!!!”


It got me excited for Christmas!!!

Halloween Fun


It was all about princesses this year!!! Sami went as Princess Tiana. Skylar was Princess Aurora.


My mom and Matt took the girls trick or treating. I was home with an IV, so I passed out candy. They got a TON of candy, and had a lot of fun.

Hayride with Nana

My mom’s work often plans fun outings for their employees and their families. One Saturday in October they had a hayride at Bendix Woods.

We started the day by playing on the playground. Skylar really surprised me with how brave she is! Sami was climbing everywhere. I was really proud of her!! She really doesn’t like heights, so I was glad to see her overcoming her fears.


Skylar learned quickly just how fun Nana is…and enlisted her help to go down the slide!


There was a tire type swing that Sami LOVED. She is all about spinning…


They had so much fun playing together! (Yes Sami has glasses now!)


We actually went on two different hayrides all over the park. It was nice and relaxing.


They also had a fire to roast marshmallows for smores and hot cocoa. It was a really yummy ending to a really fun day!

Such a “Thriller”

Sami participated in a mini dance camp with the KV dance team. It was extra fun because one of her dance teachers is on the team.

They danced at the last home football game to “Thriller”. It was a really cute dance, but it was SO cold outside!!!!


Skylar went to the game too…she loved watching the cheerleaders cheer!


Sami’s good friend Olivia from her class at school (they also dance together) participated as well. They had a lot of fun trying to stay warm!!


It was really hard to get pictures. I was holding on to squirmy Skylar, and it just wasn't working out that well. So here are the “best” ones…Sami has on the blueish sweatshirt in the front row.


It was a really cute dance. And they all looked like they had a blast!