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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sami Looses a Tooth!


Sami lost her first tooth this afternoon! It is the bottom (right) front tooth. It has been ready to come out for awhile now, but in true Sami fashion there had to be some drama along the way. (I wouldn’t have it any other way though…ha!)

I think part of her issue was the unknown. She was really nervous it would hurt when it came out. We tried to show her how to wiggle it back and forth…we tried to grab it and pull…but in the end we decided it was best for her to just leave it alone, and let it come out in it’s own time.

This afternoon both girls were sitting on my lap and I noticed Skylar had two new teeth that had popped up recently. So we decided to look in Sami’s mouth as well. I was slightly horrified to discover her adult tooth was behind the tooth already! Yikes! It looked so big and scary! As if it was saying “Yo baby tooth…make room!” So I grabbed a tissue “just to see” what would happen. POOF no more baby tooth!

Sami mentioned Steak and Shake twice today, and since our town did trick or treat yesterday we decided to take her to dinner to celebrate this big milestone! She really wanted a chocolate shake and cheese fries.

What a big girl….003

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