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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

He's Been Found!!!

Some of you may remember how devastated (I truly was) that I couldn't find the baby Jesus that goes to our Fisher Price Little People Nativity while decorating this Christmas. I was just beginning my long road of morning sickness at around that time, but I was on a mission to find him! After all...it's not Christmas without Jesus!

Somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered seeing him in Samantha's room. So we searched high and low, but no luck. I really thought we would find him before the "big day"...but sadly we did not.

Last night while I was chatting away on the phone I heard strange rumblings coming from Samantha's room. It was starting to sound like she was rearranging furniture, so I did what any attentive mom would do...sent Matt to check... :)

He emerged from her room with a huge smile and said..."She found baby Jesus!!!"

"What...WHERE???" Apparently...he had been under her bed the whole time. I didn't really think anything could get under there because the crib mattress is stored under there. I guess I was wrong. Ha!

So baby Jesus is once again safe and sound...even if it is almost Easter!


MamaDuck76 said...

Yay!!!!! I'll have to make sure you didn't sneak over & steal our baby Jesus ;)

Emma Hamstra said...

So glad you found yourself some Jesus :)

jodi said...

We have this set too! It is adorable!