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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fun in the Snow

I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying this, but we have had a VERY mild winter. There has really only been one weekend with enough snow for playing in! Sami LOVES to play in the snow! Skylar was super excited to go outside and play until she actually got out there…then she just kept saying “Hold me…I no like dis snow!”


Skylar would not leave the porch!! We tried to get her to touch the snow on the porch, but she wasn’t having it. She kept saying “Lillie (her buddy) likes the snow. She eats it!”


Sami however had a blast in the snow!


She tried to make a snowman/fort, but it wasn’t good packing snow.


The day after this we went to Matt’s parents house to sled. Skylar went down once and decided she was done, so she came in with me. Sami stayed out with her Daddy and uncles for almost 2 hours! I couldn’t believe it!! They had SO much fun! Uncle Mitchell even built a snowman with her! Sadly- I didn’t get any pictures. Bummer!


Emma Hamstra said...

SO this snow today is your fault then huh?

Kat said...

Sorry! ;)