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Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Day in the Snow

As most of you know Matt has been laid off this winter. This is a totally new experience for us, but we are living through it! Thankfully we had savings to live with, and I was already an avid couponer and living frugally wasn't new to us!
With all of the negative that has gone along with this experience there has been so much positive! Sami LOVES that her Daddy is home to take her to school, and pick her up! She is so happy to tell him all about her day!
On this particular day Sami was home from school for a "snow day"...what better to do on a snow day than play in the snow?

We recently found out that he has moved up on the book to #1...so he will be getting called back to work any day now! Financially we will be SO grateful because after 3 months we need him to go back. But we have gotten used to him being home...so we will have some adjusting to do...but we are grateful for all the time we have shared with him!


MamaDuck76 said...

We had a hard time sending Daddy back to work after he had 2 weeks off at Christmas. I can't imagine how hard it would be after 3 months. The paycheck will be convenient, though ;)

Kat said...

True story on the paycheck! =)

Every Thursday when he is at school Sami wakes up and says..."Mommy did Daddy go back to work?" No...he is at school...

"Oh...well he got up in the night, so I thought he went back. Maybe next week"

Emma Hamstra said...

living in the moment and taking advantage of every opportunity, that's my girl :)