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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

10 Months....

I recently asked my friend Dawn if we could borrow some rubber duckie items for Skylar's birthday. She confessed to me that she thought I was a little silly...thinking her birthday was far away. But...its only two months from now...yep...she is 10 months old ALREADY!

Recently I entered her into a "Cutest CHUBBY Baby Contest" on Facebook to win a FREE photo session with Tiffany's Photography by Design.
To win your baby had to get the most votes...and our little Skylar won!!!! Now mind you...I "facebook stalked" everyone I knew reminding them to vote, but it worked!!! She won...and all the ladies at church were super excited for her! One has even renamed her..."Our Future Miss America" ha!
We have decided to save the session and do some family shots in the fall when the leaves change! I can not wait!!!!

These are the pictures I took trying to get a cute "chubby" shot. A little over 75 shots later I realized that she has really lost a lot of her fluffiness now that she is on the move! I love these pictures though...she adores that rubber duckie!!!!

(For those not on Facebook the photo we used is the picture featured on her 9 month post)

Her schedule is still pretty much the same ole routine...but I am not complaining!!! It is a really nice day!

7:30 Wake up 8 oz bottle (still on Soy but Dr. Brewer says we can try regular cow's milk the week of her birthday)

8:45 After we take Sami to school (or our pal Miss Angie picks her up) we have breakfast. Most days I will mix her cereal with a jar of fruit. However...Sky thinks it is much more fun to feed herself and actually prefers it!!! So sometimes she will eat whatever I am having...with her favorite morning food being bananas!

9:00 Nap time

10:30 Wake up and play (go get Sami from school at 11:00)

11:30 Lunch time for everyone. She will usually eat what we are having...again...just depends :)

1:00 8 oz bottle followed by nap time

She is still sucking her thumb when she goes to sleep. I think it is super cute, and its pretty much the only way I know she is tired since she rarely cries!

3:30 She and Sami will have a small snack. Sometimes fruit sometimes dry cereal or baby puffs then we will all play

She is SO fast with crawling you turn your head and BOOM she's out of there!!!! She stood without holding on this past Saturday!!!! I made the mistake of clapping and she realized she had let go, and fell down!

She still stands on her toes a lot, so I think it will be awhile before she actually takes off walking...but...I guess time will tell!

5:30 Dinner She usually eats something on her own at this time (Matt doesn't get home until after 7 and she can not wait that long to eat) Her favorites are GREEN BEANS (which she wouldn't eat in baby food form), carrots, bread, and more diced fruit. We still have some stage 3 jars of food that I am trying to use up. She will eat about 1/2 but she much prefers to feed herself something.

7:00 8 oz bottle Story time with Sami then off to bed

We were at the doctor earlier this week, so I know that she is now 20 lbs even! She had just eaten and had her clothes on, but I'm sure it is pretty close to being accurate. Sadly we were at the doctor because she has another ear infection. This is the 3rd infection in 4 months. We decided to hold off on going to the ENT in hopes that she won't get any more infections in the next few months since the weather should be nicer and there will be less yucky stuff going around. :(

So I'm not sure if she is the "future Miss America" but I do know she is sweet and lovable...and I'm looking forward to all she has to show us in the next month...and beyond!

1 comment:

MamaDuck76 said...

You have to shrink her. I still refuse to believe that she's only 5/6 weeks away from being ONE!

She's totally adorable, whether she ever wins Miss America or not!

Isn't it great when you have a good, predictable schedule? It makes life so much easier!