Well I never did find who had a hold on that fast forward button…and the time kept passing…and my little itty baby is now a year old!
She is such a little doll, and brings us all so much joy! It is hard to remember what life was like before her.
At her 12 month check up she weighed exactly 20 pounds on the dot. She grew taller as well, but I can’t find where I wrote it down! Ha! She was 50th percentile for weight and 25th for height. Still our short little peanut!
She is walking ALL over the place! She is getting so fast that she sometimes stumbles over her own feet. She is so determined to walk though that she gets right back up and does it again…even though crawling would probably get her there faster. Who knew I could learn so much about patience and perseverance from my precious little girl?
The week before her birthday the doctor said we should try whole milk in a sippy cup to see how she does with it. We had been using cups for awhile now with water and a splash of juice so putting the bottles away was no problem for her. However, the milk was not agreeing with her at all. She broke out in a terrible rash, and had some major stomach issues. I stopped giving it to her until just before we went in to see the doctor so she could see the reaction. The pediatrician determined it is definitely a milk allergy, so no milk for her. So she drinks soy milk,, and does not seem to know the difference. I am happy to report that her ears were also crystal clear, so all talks of getting tubes were put on hold. WAHOO!!!! She still as a slight adhesion, but it has opened up enough that surgery is not required at this time!!! I was also happy because she no longer has to use the hormone cream on it…that always freaked me out a little. Our wonderful doctor said we will just watch it and re-evaluate as time goes on.
Now onto some fun stuff…
She will eat anything and everything you give her. Her favorites are bananas, green beans, plain pasta, and chicken nuggets.
She is saying more and more all the time…
-Dada, Dad, Da-Da are still her favorite things to say
-Muma (Mommy) but she doesn’t say this often
-Dog Dog –yes its always the two together and this is her name for almost all animals however when it is an actual dog she says it with more enthusiasm
-Uh-Uh (as in no…man they learn that fast!)
-Dis??? (This?)
She loves Sami so much, and she wants to be wherever she is! Sam is so good with her and plays with her really well. Some of Skylar’s favorite toys right now are
-Laugh and Learn house
-Laugh and Learn tea set
-Anything she can put something into, and then take it out
-Pushing around her baby stroller and push and ride lion
We are so happy you are in our lives Skylar!!! Happy Birthday!