WDW Countdown

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

3 months old!!!! REALLY???

It is amazing to me just how quickly time flies by! Skylar is already 3 months old, and this is her very first "solo" post devoted just to her!!! I just hope she doesn't look back one day and say "Mom where were all of my posts?!" :/

I was going to try to catch you all up, but I decided that the time is now...so let's focus on now...and as time permits we will travel to the past. Sound good? (I know you don't really have a choice...but let's just roll with it! Ha!)

At 3 months Skylar is doing the following:

*Drinking 6 oz. bottles of Similac Isomil (soy) every 4-6 hours

*Sleeping through the night in her own room

*Laughing, giggling, talking, smiling, cooing...

*Holding her head up like a pro

*Trying REALLY hard to roll over, but not making it all the way (any day now!)

*Sitting in a bumbo seat

*Batting at toys with purpose with her hands and feet

*Pushing up from her belly at a 45 degree angle with ease

And in general...just being a joy! =)

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