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Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Tooth!!!!

It's official...Skylar has (okay is still getting) her first tooth!!! I am still really shocked by this because she is only 3 months old!!! Matt noticed the signs early last week. I must admit...I thought he was completely crazy because she is SO little! He just kept saying..."look its white and looks just how Sami's did..." or "she's drooling everywhere" and "Why else would she be chewing on EVERYTHING????"

We discovered he was right Thursday morning when she successfully got my finger in her mouth and I felt it! Its on the bottom right in the middle. I tried to take a picture, but since she is so little she still thrusts her tongue. I tried to hold her mouth open for a picture, and she thought my finger was a lollipop!

So...when it comes through all the way, and she cooperates a little better...there will be a picture for you! =)

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