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Monday, March 14, 2011

Dressing up the Dolls

One day while Sami was at rehearsal I had some time to kill so I wandered into the fabric store. Much to my delight they had patterns on sale for $1!!! I picked up some fun patterns to make the girls’ American Girl dolls some clothes. I decided to start easy with the pillowcase dresses. They are by no means perfect, but the girls love them!
(Pay no attention to poor Kirsten’s hair…she has a hair appointment next Tuesday….ha!
Skylar’s baby’s name is Sophie. I made Sophie’s dress to match the pillowcase dresses I will be making for our trip. It looks boxy in the picture because the bow came loose, but it fits like Kirsten’s dress.
I’m having fun making things for the girls. It is relaxing….and fun too!


MamaDuck76 said...

You can sew? I am forever jealous!

The girls will look adorable in those dresses at Disney. Pillowcase dresses are SO cute!

Kat said...

Well...I am no expert when it comes to sewing that is for sure! I just started recently. I learned in 7th grade...and Jen F encouraged me to pick it up again. =)

Skylar was VERY excited to see her baby's new dress this morning!! Makes me want to go make her another one right now!!! Ha!