Monday, December 21, 2009
The Little Mermaid
Early in December we took Sami to see "The Little Mermaid" at the Centre for Performing Arts in Munster, In. It was a Christmas adaptation of the familiar story. I must admit it wasn't as wowing as previous shows we have attended, but she enjoyed it...and that is what it is all about!
Our friend Melissa watched Skylar for the afternoon. I think what Sami enjoyed the most was having us all to herself. Undivided attention =)
I love these special moments with matter where we are!
The Nutcracker
Sami loves all performing arts, but this was her first ballet experience and she was really looking forward to it! She sat on our laps so she wouldn't miss a beat! I know I've mentioned this before, but I just LOVE watching her watch these performances. She is always in awe, and her facial expressions are what I enjoy most!
She said her favorite part was the dancing flowers. I think this is mostly because of her souvenir. Some of the dancers painted their "retired" ballet slippers and you could purchase them. Sami chose a pink one with a purple flower that one of the soldiers later told her was a dancing flower shoe.
She has decided that for now soccer isn't for her and she would like to try ballet. There is a satellite school of the Indiana Ballet Theatre right here in DeMotte, so we are looking forward to enrolling her in classes there.
Every year we buy ornaments that represent something we have done that year or a milestone. Hallmark had a beautiful ornament that is three ballerinas dancing the "Waltz of the Snowflakes" so I purchased that for her this year. I do not know if ballet will be what she "sticks with" but I do know that this evening will always be a cherished memory for me! ;)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Photos
Monday, November 23, 2009
First Feeding
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
They also had a crooked house!!!! I have loved these houses ever since I saw them featured on "Jon and Kate Plus 8"...but...just google them and you will see why the dream of having one quickly faded! =)
(Sami in the crooked house)
We took a hayride out to the pumpkin patch. Sami was one of the last kids to pick a pumpkin! They were either "too tall" "too bumpy" or yes...even "too orange" =). But she did eventually find one!
They originally planned on painting the pumpkins there. I was pretty happy when they brought out foam pieces to decorate with instead. It's not that I don't enjoy painting, however, trying to take a wet pumpkin home on a bus just didn't sound too fun to me! :/
It was a fun morning, and I am so grateful that I get to go on these little trips!
Happy Halloween!!!!
Why the pumpkin has 3 eyes the world may never know! =)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Tooth!!!!
We discovered he was right Thursday morning when she successfully got my finger in her mouth and I felt it! Its on the bottom right in the middle. I tried to take a picture, but since she is so little she still thrusts her tongue. I tried to hold her mouth open for a picture, and she thought my finger was a lollipop!
So...when it comes through all the way, and she cooperates a little better...there will be a picture for you! =)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Samantha is 5!!!
Sam's birthday party was at The Chocolate Shop here in DeMotte. It is an adorable ice cream parlor, and it really was a cute place for a party! It was held in a little "room" that is decorated very girlie with hats and feather boas for the children to dress up with! After everyone was all dolled up they enjoyed a little tea party. They had a real china tea set, and Sami kept telling everyone they should "try to be fancy and drink with their pinkie up" which made me giggle all day! It wasn't actually tea, but pop...and it seemed to be a big hit!!!
(Sami and her friend Emma "getting ready")
"Pinkies up everyone!"
(Everyone choosing ice cream for their sundaes)
(Sami and her friend Ella)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A Look Back (Skylar's Arrival)
The road to our beautiful Skylar was a long bumpy one, but it is a journey we are so blessed to have been on! From infertility struggles to a loss there were many times our dream of having another child seemed impossible. Thankfully nothing is impossible to God, and Skylar is our little miracle to prove that!
As most of you know the pregnancy was a long one. I started getting sick at about 5 weeks. At 12 weeks Dr. Waran finally let me take oral Zofran. By that point I was already 8 pounds lighter. I was so scared to loose another baby, but he kept assuring me that the baby was getting what he/she needed and everything was still looking great. I had many trips to the ER for IV fluids, and after the SIXTH trip he decided it was time to help me out. =) I was 16 weeks at this point, and had now lost 18 pounds and was severely dehydrated. He talked to my insurance, and I was placed with a high risk pregnancy home health care agency. They came out that evening, and started me on a Zofran pump. I wish I had taken pictures of this experience because even though it was was a reality! Oh well... The pump was actually pretty easy for me to figure out. I just had to change the sub-q site everyday and switch out the medicine pumps. It felt so great to finally be able to leave the house, and feel slightly normal! At 25 weeks I decided I'd had enough with sticking myself with needles, and decided to go off the pump. I still continued to be sick, but oral medication was able to keep me pretty healthy! =) fast forward to 38 weeks! By this time I was DONE being pregnant! I just wanted to meet this little girl who I already felt SO close with! I was having pre-labor contractions, and even went to the hospital once only to get sent home because it wasn't active enough. Bummer! But at 39 weeks Dr. Waran said I could be induced if I wanted to, and I said "sign me up!!!!"
So on Tuesday June 30, 2009 Matt and I got up before the sun and went to St. Anthony's in Crown Point to have our baby! I was induced with Sami, but this was WAY different! The major difference was I had pitocin this time, and I learned exactly why it is called "pit" because man was it the pits!!!! I was able to walk around comfortably for a long time, and my intense labor wasn't too difficult. But towards the end I remembered that there is no ribbon for birthing "naturally" and everyone gets the same prize at the end, so bring on the drugs!!!!
It didn't take the anesthesiologist very long to get to my room, and in he came with his tool box! Yes...a craftsman toolbox! Matt was thrilled...I just wanted him to start! I couldn't understand a word the man said, and started to have second thoughts that I was going to do move wrong and never be able to walk again!!!! :/ But...he got it in...I was able to relax and 5 minutes later (it hadn't even taken full effect) I was ready to push!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Alice in Wonderland
Skylar spent the day with her Grandma and Grandpa Kristoff, so it was fun to treat Sami to a fun day just for her! She took her Alice rag doll and snuggled her the entire time! It is so neat to watch her light up at events like this! Every once in awhile she would just whisper..."Oh this is SO fun!" or "This is the silliest thing I've ever seen!" At times it is more entertaining to just watch her enjoy than to watch the performance!
After the show the characters were all in the hallway for autographs and pictures. For those of you who are not aware...Matt and I DO NOT like crowds! We tried to wait it out in our seats until it thinned out a bit, but Sami just wasn't having that! we went to be touched by strangers (yes I am still bugging out about this one!), get our feet stepped on, deal with rude people and their crying children.... was fun...focus on the fun! =)
So here is Sami...meeting everyone...
The Queen of Hearts
Chesire Cat
3 months old!!!! REALLY???
Getting Into Our Groove
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Harvest Time at Chelburg Farm
We went to Harvest Time on a Sunday afternoon in September. There are so many historical fun activities to do! Sami had a blast! Skylar slept almost the entire time, but that's what babies do! =)
My mom and sister Marianne were able to meet up with us there, so that made the day even more special!
When we first arrived Matthew had an agenda: FOOD!!!! But then again...I think that is pretty much always #1 on his priority list! Sami and I each bought an ear of sweet corn and we sat down to listen to this gentleman sing folk music while Matt went in search of goodies!