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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Skylar at 16 Months


Repeat picture from Halloween post, but it was when she turned 16 months…

Up until recently we were still viewing Skylar as a baby. However, all of a sudden she is developing more and more of a personality and truly embracing toddlerhood.

She is still very laid back. She goes with the flow, and is usually very happy.

She loves to eat dry cereal. In fact she would eat it all day long if we would let her! She continues to drink soy milk, and is completely milk and dairy free. The original plan was to introduce milk again at 18 months, however the pediatrician has advised we wait until age 2. We are also following her advice and holding out on introducing peanuts…she said to wait until age 3…but we will see. She has started using toddler spoons and forks, and insists on doing it herself! (See…embracing toddlerhood!) She loves bananas, peaches, bread, and Gerber fruit bars. She usually eats a toddler type meal for dinner as nearly everything I make has milk in it SOMEWHERE along the line… For now she doesn’t seem to mind she is eating something else.

She has discovered the playroom, and LOVES the kitchen set. I am thinking of pulling it into the kitchen so she has more access to it (we don’t let her in the playroom very often because it is mainly Sami’s things…which have small pieces…)


She still sucks her thumb when she is tired. She recently had a cold and had a hard time breathing through her nose. Poor thing had a really hard time figuring out how to soothe herself with her thumb while trying to breathe through her mouth. Ever since she could get her hands to her head she has also pulled her hair when she was sleepy. We hadn’t noticed this behavior in awhile, but it showed up again this month. She was pulling her hair so much she made a bald spot on the right side of her head. I was concerned at first, but she is a happy child and she is just doing it to soothe herself to sleep. Of course it isn’t very cosmetically appealing, but she’s beautiful even with some missing hair.


Sami is always playing on the stairs-putting on shows, etc. Skylar has been capable of climbing the stairs for awhile now, but has always waited for us to go up with her. Today she decided she should be apart of the show as well.

I love this age because simple things make her so happy. She LOVES when you ask her to get your shoes. She loves “helping” in the kitchen with her own little bowl. She loves wiping the coffee table with a cloth… so precious.

Matt has been working on more sign language with her…she isn’t always consistent with it, but we almost always figure out what she is trying to communicate. Sami was much more verbal at this age, so I had already given up on signing. Perhaps we should get the signing dvd all my friends rave about…

Skylar’s list of spoken words-






-Doo (Rooster…you know…Cock a Doodle DOO)




-Bye bye


-Mmm hmm (yes)






There are probably more…but that is all I can think of! Winking smile


MamaDuck76 said...

She's so cute! I love the picture of her grinning on the stairs.

Poor thing, with a bald spot :( I'm surprised it doesn't hurt her when she's tugging on it! Hopefully it's a phase that passes quickly.

I happen to know someone whose toddler doesn't like the Baby Signign Times DVD at all. She just might be willing to loan it to you for a while ;)

Kat said...

Ooo that would be great if we could borrow it! I've tried to get her to watch something with Sami long enough to take a shower or something, and so far she has had no intrest. But...maybe I can at least learn something from it! Ha!

Yeah you would think pulling her hair out in clumps would be very painful! :/